Keeping You Safe During Covid-19 (Sydney)

With the current wave ripping through the Australian population at an unprecedented rate however, we are stepping up our risk management game even further, in order to keep the show on the road and to keep your family and our own families as safe and well as possible.

Keeping You Safe; In-Home Photography During Restrictions

Since the start of the pandemic back in 2020 we have all come a long way on a rough journey. The way we think about health and our family’s safety has evolved and yet even before then, Grain & Weave were practising some of the safety measures we have all since adopted; social distancing, frequent hand-sanitising, remote working and mask wearing.

What is an Image Design Consultation?

Family photography at its best is a beautiful mixture of science, creativity and communication.

Let’s find out a little more about what one an ‘Image Designer’ is and why they are important in your journey with Grain & Weave.

Resuming In-Home Sessions

Our reassurance to you and our staff is that we have already implemented a Covid-19 Action Plan, which we have devised for customer peace of mind and safety. We would like to assure you that there is no reason to reschedule any session at this time, as we are taking every precaution advised by the state and federal health sectors.

The Online Image-Design Consultation

Once you’ve seen your slideshow, naturally you will want to see your images one at a time and in a little more detail, so you can start choosing your favourites.

A list of favourites is not your final selection, but simply a starting point at which to begin the selection process.

It can be a little overwhelming at first, however bear in mind that you will have more opportunities to refine your selection. In the video below, John explains how to use a tried and tested process for successful image selection.

At Home Slideshow - A Guide

Once you’ve seen your slideshow, naturally you will want to see your images one at a time and in a little more detail, so you can start choosing your favourites.

A list of favourites is not your final selection, but simply a starting point at which to begin the selection process.

It can be a little overwhelming at first, however bear in mind that you will have more opportunities to refine your selection. In the video below, John explains how to use a tried and tested process for successful image selection.

Our Coronavirus Action Plan

Our reassurance to you and our staff is that we have already implemented a Covid-19 Action Plan, which we have devised for customer peace of mind and safety. We would like to assure you that there is no reason to reschedule any session at this time, as we are taking every precaution advised by the state and federal health sectors.

Snaps For Baby

5 minute read

After reading The Sydney Morning Herald this week, Carla poses the question: how far is too far when it comes to baby photography? Here are the dos and definitely don’ts when it comes to baby’s health and well being during your impromptu shoot at home